Return & Refund Policy
  • We are committed to providing quality products to our customers and we are happy to process a return / refund for the following reasons:
    1. If the product has a defect / damaged at the time of delivery
    2. If the product delivered is different from the item ordered
  • All items must be returned within 14 days, in its original condition, with full packaging, materials,otherwise we shall have the discretion to refuse your claim.
  • All items cannot be returned once opened. The seal must not be tampered with or broken in any way. Once goods are opened and seal is broken, they are considered sold.
  • We will inspect the returned product once it is safely received. If the condition of the product/s are to our requirements as stated above, you can opt for an exchange (if stocks are available), ]  processed from the approved return date.
  • All products may be exchanged once, from the same range, or with another product of the same value.
  • Goods returned for a refund shall be refunded at the price paid at the point of ordering.
  • Items bought during promotions, special deals and events, are not eligible for return or exchange.


  • If you discover an external defect or damage upon delivery, kindly email Customer Service via with the subject “Return Item”, with supporting evidence and your invoice number, to arrange for return or refund within 14 days.
  • Kindly inform us via the email provided above, before returning the item, otherwise the request will not be processed.
  • We will assist you as soon as possible. Please allow 7 working days for your inquiry to be processed.
  • To make the process run smoother and faster do email your inquiry with picture(s) of your item(s) & its condition and your order details for record purposes.